I know I can click on the “On Start up … open the following pages”, but technically speaking, those pages aren’t my home page. What if I want it to “open the pages that were open last” if I had any tabs left open last session, but I want it to open my home page(s) if it’s a fresh session?

I googled a little, and I found typing in

javascript:(function(){ window.location.href='http://www.google.com/'; window.open('http://news.google.com/'); window.open('http://cswww.essex.ac.uk/staff/rpoli/TinyGP/'); })();

into the “Homepage … use this page” line gets me what I want.

It looks like the “Homepage” button doesn’t work as expected, but I’ve never actually used the button before, so it doesn’t really affect my browser behaviour.

It also looks like it could be a security issue, letting people write executable javascript, but I suppose javascript on a browser is reasonably harmless and changing that would be a lot less trivial.

However, if I find out how to fix the homepage button issue, I might get around to editing the post here to work.

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